

Don’t put your safety and convenience at risk. Book your next private flight with a proven leader.<\/p>\n

Air Charter Industry: Affiliations and Involvement, Air Charter Safety, Financial Transparency and 3rd Party Reviews.<\/h2>\n

Joel Thomas, the founder of Stratos Jet Charters, built his business with the belief that success is the inevitable result of a continual pursuit of excellence coupled with the idea of doing what is right simply because it is right. Thomas believes that success in business is not a static achievement but an ongoing effort to improve service. Stratos Jet Charters was born focusing on driving value to consumers. Over the years, our pursuit of excellence has led to some serious recognition!<\/p>\n

Stratos is recognized as a private aviation safety leader. Our president, Joel Thomas, has participated in several air charter safety events. Recently, Thomas spoke at Wyvern’s annual Stand Out With Safety Conference and the Air Charter Safety Foundations annual Aviation Safety Symposium. Thomas also served multiple terms on the board of the Air Charter Association of North America.<\/p>\n

\"logo-color-argus\" ARGUS Certified Charter Broker Program<\/strong><\/p>\n

Stratos Jets voluntarily opens its books and business practices to Aviation Research Group, Inc. (ARGUS). As an\u00a0ARGUS Certified Charter Broker<\/a>, Stratos demonstrates\u00a0its industry leadership by adhering to established best practices. The ARGUS certification includes an evaluation of financial health, agent\u00a0<\/span>education program, emergency response, and quality measures for vetting and approving carrier.\u00a0 <\/span><\/p>\n

\"logo-color-proud\" Wyvern Approved Broker<\/strong><\/p>\n

As a Wyvern Approved Broker<\/a>, we demonstrate fair business practices, regulatory compliance, transparent pricing, and a culture of safety.<\/p>\n

\"logo-color-safety\" Air Charter Safety Foundation<\/strong><\/p>\n

ACSF members have one thing in common: a culture of safety. Stratos is one of the very few air charter brokerages with an\u00a0Air Charter Safety Foundation<\/a>\u00a0membership.<\/p>\n


\"logo-color-nba\" National Business Aviation Association NBAA<\/strong><\/p>\n

For more than 60 years, the business aviation community has looked to NBAA<\/a> as a leader in enhancing safety and security, shaping public policy, providing world-renowned industry events and advancing the business goals of 10,000 Member Companies worldwide.<\/p>\n

\"logo-color-bbb\" Better Business Bureau<\/strong><\/p>\n

We don’t just say that we work hard to provide the best possible air charter service, our customers say it also. Stratos Jet Charters enjoys an A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau<\/a>.<\/p>\n

\"logo-color-dandb\" Dun & Bradstreet<\/strong><\/p>\n

Chartering a private jet can be expensive. Trusting a novice broker with your hard-earned money, not to mention your safety, can be risky. Stratos Jets enjoys a Strong Financial Ranking by Dun and Bradstreet<\/a>.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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