
Short for \u2018navigational aid,\u2019 a navaid provides an aircraft navigator with visual references to the ground. Pilots use them\u00a0as reference points in establishing and maintaining the position of an aircraft. For example, if the pilot in command of an air charter Challenger 300 is in a holding position while waiting to land, he could use navaids to communicate the air charter\u2019s position to air traffic control until he receives further clearance. Pilots commonly\u00a0use navaids to\u00a0navigate from point to point throughout the course of a flight plan. Currently, the most widely used form of navaid in civil aviation is known as a Very-high frequency omnidirectional Range (VOR). There are several thousand VOR stations located around the world. Together they form a network of fixed ground radio beacons. As long as an air charter plane is equipped with a receiving unit, a pilot can determine his position and heading using this system.<\/p>\n

GPS: the Modern Air Charter\u00a0Navaid<\/h2>\n

However, VOR stations are slowly giving way to a newer navaid technology: the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS uses a series of satellites orbiting the earth to triangulate an air charter plane\u2019s:<\/p>\n